Alhamdulillah, it was an ad hoc plan ... my parents were here as their monthly visit to our 'Wadi Khalju' ... and lots of things have been done... we repaired the water hose, piping, met the workshop man to see the progress of our car ... changed the absorber for Abang Naza .... and finally, to make abah happy, we decided to take him to meet his old good friend, a famous political writer, S.H. Al-Attas or known as Pak Habib.
Since I was small, his books were everywhere in our little library at the attic... most of the books were in RED ! and I have starting reading his book when I was in primary school.. at that time I won few writing competition at school ..... and having said that, silently I said to myself, one day I will become a writer .. I want to be like this person!! (VERANGAN derrrr...... but alhamdulillah....... VERANGAN comes true kan? kekekekek)
When we arrived, he was already there... with RED cowboy hat and RED jeans with Kemeja kotak kotak ... just like my dad .... kekekekekkee oldtimer laa katakan.... kekekekekek.......They started chit chat ..... and we were wondering in his Hana Garden.....
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